わくわくインターナショナルデー2024(Waku Waku International Day)

This year's "International Day" began with speeches by two Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) from New Zealand on a differences between holidays in NZ and Japan that they felt as ALTs.
Also, this year, Kimura teacher and her students from Clark Memorial International High School participated in hosting the games, and they excited us with "Three-choice quizzes" and game of "What was the flying item in a moment?"
Finally, the group competed for points in game planned by this department manager, "Pictionary" that what picture a representative had drawn in one minute, and "English word chain game".
All participants were given prizes based on their total points, and the event ended with a commemorative photo.
These events are a great opportunity for all participants, including foreigners, to have good experiences and build community networks, so we hope that many people will participate in the next year and beyond.
日 時 2024年11月23日(土)13:00~15:00
場 所 経済センター(3F多目的ホール)
主 催 深川国際交流協会
参加者 51人