わくわくインターナショナルデー2023(Waku Waku International Day)

そのほか、ALTも含めて参加者全員でおこなったゲームでは、「驚き」「失恋」といった8種類の感情の中からALTの二人が「Oh」って言った感情はどれかを当てたり、接着剤等を一切使わないで古紙を高く積み上げる【Paper Tower】等、多くのゲームで盛り上りました。
Many people participated despite the bad weather heavy snow from the previous day.
First, 2 Assistant Language Teachers (ALTs) from New Zealand gave speeches using the Power Point about their experiences while living in Japan.
They each used computers to listen to the sounds of New Zealand birds and cicadas, and the participants listened with great interest.
In addition, we played a game with all participants, including the ALTs. They had to guess which emotion the two ALTs said only "Oh" with one of 8 types of emotions, such as "surprise" and "heartbreak". Next, pile up waste papers high without using glue or tape [Paper Tower], and more, we had a lot of fun.
日 時 2023年11月25日(土)13:00~15:00
場 所 経済センター(3F多目的ホール)
主 催 深川国際交流協会
参加者 40人程度